The Fairy Land Fantasy Photo Shoot|Calgary Photographer
Last Updated: Thursday, April 22, 2010 at 10:02:21 PM

001 | 001My love for fantasy characters, and especially fairies and angels pushed me to create and paint those characters through my camera. I wanted to create real fairies, not that the paintings of fairies are not beautiful, one of my favorite fantasy artists is Jessica Galbraith and her work is absolutely amazing, but I wanted to create photographs of fairies and show the mischievousness and innocence of them through real emotions.

I worked with 5 professional models who did an amazing job and worked very hard to give me the face expressions and emotions I was looking for.

Choosing the location for these series wasn't hard, actually we went (Rob and I) on a hike near Canmore, AB and when I got to the top and saw the scenery I knew right then it was the perfect fairy land, the home of the fairies I was going to create. 

005 | 005The weather held up for our photo shoot. It was the perfect light all day, and it stormed very late that night, we were lucky.

We had a great set up at the location, the change room, the makeup chair with the wonderful makeup artist Danielle Hanson, what a pleasure to work with her, and of course our lunch area with a cooler as a lunch table:)

I would like to thank the boys that came with us (Alex's boyfriend and friend) who were so helpful the whole day and did a lot of physical work such as carrying all our equipment and other necessities for the day, it wasn't an easy walk up the hill.

Big thanks to all the girls modeling and jumping into the fairy character, climbing rocks, walking on moss and giving me their best.

Last but not least, gigantic thanks to my loving and caring boyfriend Rob for all his support through this project, the preparations were not easy, in fact were stressful and he did have to go through things like helping me in the sewing room when I was getting the costumes done and the numerous times I made him go to the fabric store with me, and of course helping organize the photo shoot day, carrying heavy equipment, holding reflectors and girly accessories while I was shooting.  I love you sweetheart!! I would not have done it without you!

044 | 044The dresses the fairies are wearing in the photos were designed and made by me and of course with only a week left to the shoot and not much time left for sewing, I needed help and can't forget to send my thanks to Diane Jolly (Rob's mom) with over 25 years of experience as a seamstress in the movie industry in Calgary; without her, I would not have been able to finish the costumes on time.

Stay tuned, as these photos will soon be available for purchase as calendars, single prints, posters, cards, etc.... Soon there will be section on our website "Prints for Sale" where you will be able to purchase them online.

One last thing I would like to mention is the name for my business, as I have many asked what it means: FDP Studio. FDP stands for Fairy Dust Photography!!!

Stay tuned for my next blog with photos and my diaries from our trip to Europe!

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